Vetter Mt.
Well today was an interesting activation. I had been wanting to get back to the Crest as the local peaks around home just don’t have that “forestry” feel to them.

Vetter Mountain Entrance
So I picked Vetter, for two reasons. I had never done it and it was a relatively short hike(4 mi round trip). When I arrived I was surprised to find parking, picnic tables and restrooms. These restrooms would be littered along the trail as the gate was closed. I imagine it’s due to that damn poodle-dog bush. Which by the way looks half dead, I don’t know if that’s due to the winter or it’s life cycle.

Poodle-Dog Bush
The hike is a nice 2 mile jaunt up to the summit. most of it is paved so I felt spoiled by not tripping over sticks and what not. There are a few picnic areas along the way, Seems like a waste for them to go unused. Not to mention how cool would it be to get closer to the summit via car. Okay that’s the lazy me talking. I actually love the hiking portion of SOTA. Keeps my gut in check.

The Path
Onwards an upwards. There’s a number of signs for Vetter telling you how far you have to go. So much for GPS.

Where am I?


Another Sign (Motivation)
That last stretch turns into a dirt road which also becomes more steep, not too bad though.

Dirt Road
Eventually I made it to the summit. The coolest part of this summit is there is a restroom at the top. The temporary fire lookout seems to have a metal roof now, and the original lookouts foundation has been poured but nothing further. I think it was last year they poured the foundation.

Temp lookout
I went ahead and setup the Jackite; I attached it to a pole that is by the old structure. Adding a tie down strap and bungee cord to my kit was one of the best things I could have done,

Awesome Pole
There is zero cell reception here from Verizon. I had planned on using my mobilinkd APRS. However, I forgot the exact string need to be inputted to add a spot. I tried to copy from an old one but something wasn’t working. Thank god K6CMG was there to spot me. Even with the spots I wasn’t getting many takers. (only 5 total). So I am very grateful this one wasn’t a flop. I hate when an activation ends without contacts. Not to mention the bands were rubbish.

Operating Position
After the five I was pretty deflated so I packed things up and headed out. It could have been worse, it could always be worse. I could have zero contacts. I am ever thankful for those chasers that are waiting in the wings.
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